The Utah legislature and governor recently passed a law providing new, shortened residency requirements for adoption. The new law is at Utah Code 78B-6-136.5. Now, for stepparent / stepchild adoptions, the family need reside together for only 6 months. For all other adoptions--i.e., foster child and private adoptions--the child need live in the adoptive home for only 3 months. This cuts in half the prior, pre-2024 residency requirements. However, judges still have an option to require a longer residency requirement "based on a finding of good cause."
While we want to ensure the adoptive child and adopting parents are bonded, I think this shortened residency requirement is a good change because much bonding can happen outside of residing together.
If you have questions about adopting a child (or an adult), please reach out to us at the Utah Adoption Law Center.
