If you are in the military and plan to adopt a child, please be aware that you may qualify for DoD reimbursement of your adoption costs--up to $2,000 per qualifying child. This benefit applies to active-duty service members including Reservists and Guard members activated for 180 or more consecutive days.
What is the deadline for submission? Answer: Your request for reimbursement must be submitted within two (2) years of the adoption being finalized. You must submit your request while still on active-duty orders. If a deployment interferes with you meeting the 2-year deadline, the verifying official who signs your request may submit a letter stating that 'the member’s deployment impacted the member’s ability to comply with the 2-year deadline.'
What form should I use use? Answer: DD 2675, Reimbursement Request for Adoption Expenses
What is the applicable regulation? Answer: DoDI 1341.09, DoD Adoption Reimbursement Policy
What if the adoption is not finalized while I'm still on orders? Answer: Service members are not entitled to reimbursement expenses if they leave active duty before the adoption is final. Members may request a voluntary extension of assignment beyond their normal expiration of term of service to complete the adoption process, according to DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Appendix A.
What if I arranged the adoption myself? Answer: The adoption must be arranged by a qualified adoption agency or other source authorized to place children for adoption under state or local law.
What if I received State adoption assistance funds? Answer: Duplication of benefits (double dipping) is not allowed. For example, if you receive State adoption assistance or reimbursement, then you cannot also receive the military reimbursement.
Here's the awesome part: The list of eligible types of adoption includes adoption of a stepchild.
4.4 Qualifying Adoptions
4.4.1. Adoption expenses that may be reimbursed include: Adoption of a child under the age of 18; Adoption by a single person; Infant adoption; Inter-country adoption; Adoption of a child with special needs; and Adoption of stepchildren.
How do I apply? Answer: Visit your personnel office or Military One Source for assistance. You will need substantiating documentation showing (1) the adoption was finalized on a specific date (i.e., a certified copy of the Decree of Adoption), (2) the amount of reasonable, qualifying expenses, (3) proof of that you used a licensed placement agency or other authorized source of placement, (4) a 'paid' invoice/receipt or cancelled check(s) showing proof of payment. Per para., "With respect to documents originating from a state or other authorized adoption agency, copies of those documents must be certified as true copies of the original by the state or adoption agency." About substantiating costs, the FMR notes, "Reconstruction of expense records is permissible when the original records are unavailable, and the member submits a notarized affidavit stating the costs." The preferred method of submission is via AskDFAS.
What expenses may I claim?
Qualified: | Legal expenses. | Placement expenses. | Medical expenses of birth mother and newborn child. |
Unqualified: | Travel expenses. | Books, toys, clothes, and bedding. |
This is a great benefit that we want all adopting Service members to be aware of.
